"A Real Illusion!"

red roses were falling down within sunlight's shower;

that speacial scene of myself created a dreamy lover;

i started to search within that lovely illusion for a white flower;

for a while, that real illusion

caused a confusion

and made me cut a finger,

it easily blooded my sweet flower;

that pure red blood made it even look better!

but deep inside, when that cut had happen;

in my heart an old wound was open,

i had to resume my life, to protect what my heart held inside,

i've never thought, the feelings i got are ever going to be offended.

now i regret not thinking of what i wanted more often...

all in all had came,

and it all forced me to think again,

of the odium filling my ocean,

i had to take it away of my map,

i badly wanted my life back!

i wanted that jovial love that once seemed like an opal

cause without that love filling my heart,

i knew for a fact

that my life will be OVER...



08:44:15 PM...

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