"just a lie!"

I don’t know how to feel;

I know I’m stuck beyond what’s real;

I’m shocked, rolled, pushed and pulled

And this is out of deal!

Put me here, or put me there

I’ll never know what’s near!

For everyone I was born to care,

But now all I know is a devilish fear!

I see me now,

Watching the sky…

Thinking of the possibilities for me to fly,

While I’m alive…

I see me now,

Counting all these lies…


how can i live if i died~

When in the world of love I used to dive?

I think hardly,

I’m acting madly,

to me love was the light,

I wish I’d know only,

How did love become a lie?

I went too low,

with my burdened sorrows I couldn’t climb high

I wish I’d only know,

When days just go,

When the sky spreads its snow;

Would he love me the way I do?

As for you,

Tell me this;

As fast as you look above;

For the one you miss;

Would you die to prove it’s love?


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Isnt it all a simple LIE???

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