It’s like sensing a family’s birthday or just thinking about how Christmas is a few days away. My Grandpa doesn’t actually live in my hometown, comes from time to time, during special dates or just occasionally, but when he does, it is impossible not to notice he is here. You know when people say everyone has a certain smell that identifies them, well my absolute favorite smell is my grandpa’s. Smelling his cologne, personally, is a stress reliever. He is the one person who I can relate with the most. You can have the best talks with him, he never judges, and the best thing is he’s always smiling. When he comes around he usually stays at my place, and right when he enters the house you know he is here, not because he might be talking loudly or making any kind of noise, he just literally impregnates the house with his cologne, he really does. The smell stays even after he’s gone, even for days! The fact is that in a certain way it is kind of sad, he doesn’t live nearby and you can´t actually ask him to come anytime you want. The truth is, he is an old guy, even though it might not seem like it. Ever since he learned to walk he has been in every sport you could imagine, therefore giving him a rather young appearance. But what worries me really is that if anything happens to him, or to me, or whoever in my family, we’ll be thousands of miles apart, unable to do anything. That’s why I love so much his smell because I know he is here, and even though he usually stays for just a few days, every moment spent with him I treasure with my heart. I remember this one time he came to town for some sort of party or something, the reason is actually irrelevant, anyway, he stayed with us as usual, and the funny part was that he fell asleep laying in my bed. Apparently, he was very tired from his trip, so the first thing he did was come up to my room and say hi to me, we started chatting and he sat down on my bed while I was on my desk chair. All of a sudden I turned around and find myself talking to myself. He literally just sat down and in about 5 minutes later he was snoring! What I mean with this story is that because he fell asleep on my bed, his cologne smell stayed there. And it was just wonderful to fall asleep for at least a few nights with his smell.