I am so sick and tired of people
Judging me for my track record
And not thinking that maybe I can grow
Or that I can mature
I am so sick and tired of people
Always expecting me to do what they want
Not thinking that maybe I have my own life
And can't drop everything for them
I am so sick and tired of people
Thinking that I shouldn't snap at them
Because I am tired of hearing the same thing
Five million times
I am so sick and tired of people
Wanting me to follow their view of the world
When that would make me
The complete opposite of who I am
I am so sick and tired of people
All of them trying to shape me
Like some stupid lump of clay
Into what they need me to be
I am who I am
I am sorry if that bugs you
I won't change myself
Because you don't like me
Because I know for a fact
That I cannot conform to
Everyone's desires
I am not that flexible
I am so sick and tired of people