Amber oil

Amber oil, framed

Upon a wall

My heart becomes enthralled

and stalls 

This painting caves in delicately as the particles around get sucked into the Amber oil

My face goes black from horizontal lines that invade my personal space


Here's it is mushed, liquidy brown, gold streak of great magnitude strumming above me and than to the ground
 Here it is so lovely....Here there is but 'ONE' sound


Like magnets my oil skin slides up into a cartoon form 

In which I felt my life was destined to be born. 

More motion is here than I had anticipated

All is at peace and no deliberation flicks me in the ear

It's so simple, so graceful, And my heart as if hears

The true lesson that softly dwells within here


Slowly as these untraditional, habitual, insecurities, come out to play

Is when that amber oil truth 


To fade


Returning once again to outside the painting frame



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