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Life is a canvas
On this canvas are paintings of many different scenarios
Each painting holds a personal relevance to each of us
Your painting is nothing to me
My painting is every thing
vice versa
The paintings are constantly fluctuating through out the so called years
Fading from one color to the next
one image to another

Paint, water, liquid portraits of what we believe ourself to be
What a depression to cling to such things

But beneath these colors and these images what lies?
Isn't it a blank canvas allowing such madness appear?
The source where all ....the source where all is witnessed
I didn't paint this
Inever wanted this
It just is happening and for as long as I fight it
That much long will I live in spite
Spite to life
to myself
We tend to focus on the image before it's painted
Ignoring the very stroke taking place right now
How can the image be without this stroke?

Is there something that's left to be revealed?
A bunny in the hat perhaps
I do not know
Maybe it's best
Is all this a test, can we be allowed to rest
To lay our heads upon the pillow of God
And discontinue living in fraud
I;m not merely this body
This is no secret, but it's quite significant
Why must I feel that happiness is secret

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