
I was once born into this world that many of us have come to call Earth
But at birth
Was it set in stone for me to live by a standard created by a string
A string
with ....
no form or identity...
A life force if you will
To guide me down a stream
Who knows really
It's probably wasted energy to think of such enormity
But when you give up such contemplation
Is when relaxation blankets your spine
your heart
To feel fine is not an art
It's how you are
All the time
from the start
When events that take place that stir up the past
the emotions and stubbornness lunge for my back
Sometimes they stick
whispering in my ear
'come here'
But it's nothing
It's nothing
The world is never how it seems
not yours, not mine
not anyone's
The world is yourself
Your real self
It's all there is
A constant kiss submerging your belief into the stem of a rose
where the source gives the life
where the happiness grows
where the unknown floats
Do not dwindle upon memories
It really isn't as hard as it seems
Why clutch a dream
for it slides through an attempted grip
Why put yourself through an unending trip
Take a sip from the freshness you are
perhaps you need to feel a little bizarre
For such simplicity will bewilder your mind
But let it soak back into that that's in line
Let the string of isness pass through
Everything is fine.