I called her Draetia


Looking back on what we had

A pitiful lie, hidden in a smile.

A broken pearl lying in its shell

A being you could never be.

Looking back on what we were

A display for them to critisize.

But they didn't see the tears in my eyes

From what you did to me.

I tasted every bit of you on her lips.

Because I tryed to find you in her.

I tryed to forget your horrid existance

I tryed to replace you with love.

Looking back on what we shared

Good memories, and your last breath.

You telling me that you'd never leave me

But you went against your word.

Andrea, Andrea, I looked at this girl.

Her aura was beautiful.

No lies hidden behind her lips

No misleading seduction behind her eyes.

She was gothic, in a sense.

But trustworthy, so I believe.

But I couldn't love her, because she wasn't you.

I said my heart will always be yours.

I wasn't lying.

That makes one of us.

Theres only one of us now.

I miss you, Dray.

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