Grandfather´s hobby

The inventor in someone who devises a new process. There are many types of inventors as well as there are of inventions. The brain is amazing and very flexible, the only thing you need to make it work, is the imagination. I am not sure what type of inventor is my grandfather, but is very clear to me that he meets all the requirements. He thinks outside the box; maybe he does not create the best things, a picture frame with a watch, pots with a cookie box or a powerful magnifying glass for see with his cataracts, but he is always transforming things (he wants to recycle everything even if is useless). He does not care what people think he enjoy it and it is all that is important for him. He loves changes; you probably will see this in his plants, yes, poor plants. It is not a single day that the plants are in the same place, he does not care about the mess he left with the land; transplant them is an obsession (this do not make him the best gardener, but yes the best decorator). He is never boring, no matter if outside is raining or sunny. He enjoys to discover new facts, in books, magazines or movies, even if is a new word for his French vocabulary. As a good inventor he is an artist, he can paint all afternoon and not get tired (he like playing the piano too, when I was born he invent me a song). He wakes up very early in the morning to have time to finish all his “earrings”, I do not know when he sleeps because I find him a lot in kitchen at night looking for the cookies. He still has the imagination of a child, he asked for a spy game in the Christmas of 2009.Can be difficult to find a hobby and even more problematic when you are old and your body does not let you do many things. 88 years it is not easy to carry and I think that is why he choose this, but he does not see it as a hobby, but like a life style. He is always seeing the minds of the persons and not their possessions. My grandpa is an inventor and not for doing new things, but for his passion for life and his capacity of surprise.

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