
 it won't flow

i promise

just cut

and see

it was sugary for a while

for a while

it was poison

or actually more rum

then last year

there was a time 

it was made of cigarette smoke

then it was pinched and stabbed

but none of it forced

yes upon request

there was no one

pressuring me

to step in the middle

of that triangle

no, not wican

just a 'love' one

though the rituals

were very much the same,

swearing, cursing

blood of innocents


and for a while

it was slick

like crude

if it could be

regenerated over and over

quickly, you would have been rich

because you sunk it

so far underground

for so long

with such pressure

yes, you could have

profited from it

and now

now it's as if 

it's it's blinding in

it's hate

as if it's seeking

and finding everything good

far, far too late

it's as if it's riding

shotgun simply to shoot

not even in any hunt

just in it's own right

in particular to spite

or root out any 


which finds it binded

and wants to set it free

it latches on and cultivates


and spawns mountains

and mountains of pure

and simple lust

and then breaks them down

just for joy

it's as if it's sole mission

is to devour 

what it must

and this is the state

now of this blood

which was so easily

turned to dust.





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