I started games
you run out of bounds
You were out of bounds my friend
I won, that's what winners do
I've hugged only the greatest things in my life
I've only kissed the things that mattered to me
I've Ran
Over bridges
Over paths
I've run miles and sprints
They have no faith in me
We are all not the same
You know what, Heart owns
Its better than your height
A shaved head is better than your two dollar hair cut
From Bill and Dick's
I have done things you could only dream of
Where's your applause come from?
That's right me
I've had standing ovations
I've been paraded around
I've been hung on a cross
I've had my ass kicked
day in and day out
I've fought people two times my size
But you know what, I've never stayed down
I pick myself up
If by holding a bag I am nothing
Then I will gladdly be nothing
I will gladly be just two engraved plaques on Chad Law's wall
I will gladly give speeches
I will gladly endorse my name on footballs
I will gladly have just one career touchdown on Varsity
My happiness doesn't come from the newspaper
Andy Colbert can wear his Hawiian shirts
I will wear my medal and my ring
and my heart on my sleeve
I walked off and ended it all
On a large orange I in the middle of the field
And You might not get it
But for four years plus,
I have no regrets
and had a damn good ride
and I can sit here and let you say I am small
But I am Magnificent
In my mind I matter
What I am in your mind,
I could care less
I'll give myself a high five
I'll sit in my locker
I'll be smaller than anyone else
But I'll always be bigger than you