The hardest words


Your name means, more than you know; It says everything


You do so much, to the internal parts of me


I never thought a man, could sweep into my life: and change things


I wish, and I dream


I pray, and I am happy


With you, I always, always; feel like laughing




You shake; the very core of me


You bruise; the very sore of me


You hurt; the very point of me


You heal; the very truth of me


I know it’s confusing


Try to be me




I did not think, this was possible


Somehow, I thought it was admissible



You did this to me; and it is… incredible




Like how the sunsets


At a long, hard, working days end


Like a good dream, just finished


I need to wake up now


Face all my mistakes, then


I need to live with them


The choices I made; and


The things I did


I can’t run away, to be happy


Leaving behind, my responsibility


I don’t regret choices I made


I just would have done things, differently




Same as the sunsets


At a long hard working days end


Like a good dream just finished


I need to wake up now


And say good bye


The most painful words of my life


Good bye




The words taste like bitter death, and torturous laughing taunts of time




You shook my insides spiritually


Physically; and most importantly baby


You intrigued my hungry mind; you made me laugh, you made me cry


And I love you so much; so I need to say good bye


Let’s just leave it at that












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