Pacifistic entity sipping mellifluous nectar of oblivion - incurring upon this being a transient fidelity - roaming roving, wondering afar divagating from it’s divine promise - reprimanded - shunned - as a malefic being - tortured with pain of loss and deceit - decomposing and destitute barren of will - christened with peace again by Gods beautiful angel - the savior to the man beast his exemption from distress - and he honors with works of love - renewed because of your endearing love
undying and infinite
repaired inside my heart of old
now beating in your chest
should hold me close and flap those vestal wings and fly us to our home
beyond the bars and stone beyond this dissolution
into reality which I breathe like breath so pure and free
in my infancy it was of you whish I dreamed
my cherubs song, my Love, my requiem.