The crying wind has wept its last breath
devoured in its own time
my saintly sin escapes its own distress
running on a breeze exhaled
wealth in reason leaving false happiness
imagined contentment never real
only the idle heart knows as it begins to beat rapidly
as if upon the drums of time request
the vapid warmth of this humorless air
now sings
crytal clear harmonies held in esteem
dreaming a dream
it's the crumbling daughter restored that we need
stoking the furnace
a temple fired for absolution
quickly dissolving my irresolution
speaking louder than words
a humble mind alone could bow to my worry
and in that I may be resolved
I've come to overgrow my secondary story
now a third is in need
its a tale untold except with eyes
they search for the flames
and the fires eat hungrily spreading demise
flying free
the dragon in me
feasting ravenously
as a king
eating more than he needs
my scepter screams
as my soul redeems its worthlessness for penance