Patchwork Hearts

You know, if you really take a step back and see the big picture, people are mostly made of patchwork.


We are not born with a set identity.

We are not born with a solid grasp on our emotions, our way of thinking.

We are never born knowing of humanities darker elements like hate or rage.


It's with open eyes and blank hearts that we embarce on life's journey, picking up the peices of ourselves along the way.

Little scraps of one whole.


Some parts are stained and ripped from the elements.

And some are as soft and comforting as fresh silk.


But no matter the condition of the scrap, remember this:

We are held together by both our good times, and our bad. The bland and the vivid.


We are all cut from the same cloth.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Just something I came up with on the fly. Trying to get my mojo back now that I have a working computer again.


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