
They say a watched pot never boils but this is not true

Most assuredly the paint will dry if you stick around too

Do you have the patience or will you let your attention concede

Are there more pressing matters to go to and see?


As you ascend will the temptations creep in

Waiting to pull you and have you descend?

You're in a better place now but the lion it waits

Whispering lies to enter your gates.


Be alert when times are good because they can flip in a moment

And when they do will you be ready or will you be caught hands folded

Old habits die hard and relapse is on the table

Is your faith strong are you willing and able?


Opportunities come in all shapes and sizes

Don't discriminate against the one's on the scale of termites

Because maybe one won't do much to the foundation on which you stand

But one becomes many if you don't stop to take a glance


So be vigilant against the little ones that pass by unspoken

Because the chains of habit are too light to be felt until they're too heavy to be broken




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