Out of My League


I am saddened by this phrase.


Not because I have heard

these words spoken to me.


But the amount of men who feel

that they have no chance with

a beautiful woman.


What makes them more intimidating

than the rest?

Because their appearance

seems to stop men in their tracks.


What about the rest of the woman?

Beyond the outer shell?


I bet she has flaws somewhere

inside of her.

She is just as human as the next girl.


Just because she looks gorgeous,

doesn't mean the rest of her life

is in order.


Maybe she is just a woman

who isn't asked out,

because men fear she

would immediately reject them.


She will reject the guys

who are not right for her,

but it doesn't mean that

she will reject the average Joe.


Why throw yourself underneath

the train?

Why cop out so early and make

excuses for not asking?


Swing for the fence,

there is no-one out of your league.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Not necessarily related, but I think of Hitch: Albert

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