

My company is not the best company, but it is something stable.

At least it was until we were bought out by a Fortune 500 company,

who only cares about the bottom line.


What does that mean?

They started to close stores that were not making bottom line. 

They closed stores when we just opened them.


We spent more money opening them than the money it took to just run it. 

Now they are closing them down.


Now they are wanting to close stores that were making a profit.

Our store is on the chopping block. 

We are not certain yet on it, but it seems like it will be done soon.


Not only were we making profit, we were making over 100K a month. 

This is what I cannot stand about American capitalism. 

All hail the almighty dollar. 


A tax write-off at the expense of the employees that have been here for over 10 years.


Why do I write it here?

Because it hasn't happened yet, and I need to vent. 

My job might be gone next week, and I am worried. 


Not sure what I can do this late in life,

without taking a drastic pay cut.

And I can't even interview well. 


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