Forgive Me

Forgive me when I fail you 

Forgive me when I'm wrong
Forgive when I make mistakes
Forgive me when I'm not strong 
Forgive me when I hurt 
Forgive me when I want to cry
Forgive me when it happens 
Forgive me when i wished to die
Forgive me when I'm pensive 
Forgive me when I can't see
Forgive me when I don't understand
Forgive me for being me 
Forgive me when I try
Forgive me when I'm not good enough 
Forgive me when I break down
Forgive me when I give up 
Forgive me for caring
And giving you my Time
But I won't forgive you 
For screwing with my mind 
Forgive me for not loving
As much as you want me to 
But to be honest 
Nothing is ever good enough for you 
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