
My own scars 

Were made of pleasure
The size of damage
No human can measure 
If you look hard 
You still won't see
The scars that were
Created by me
Each one had a story 
Dying to be told
Each one had a memory
That wanted to unfold 
The scars were the pieces
To the puzzle of my life
They were always there 
After I healed from the knife
It was more than a scratch 
It was more than a scrape 
They told me of limits
My heart could only take 
You see they have faded 
With nothing to show 
You could never tell
It was only months ago 
The promise I made
And the promise ill keep 
Will never allow me 
To make my scars so deep 
But make no mistake
They are a part of me
The day that they faded
They were all set free 
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