
I'm so tired 

But I'm still wide awake 
I pray that you find 
My soul to take 
Take me to a place 
Of eternal slumber
Help me to fall 
So heavily under 
Give me a dream 
So sweet to the touch
That when I awake 
Ill miss it so much 
Or give me a nightmare
With a message to unfold
Where conformity lives
And I break the mold 
Let me sleep 
An hour or a day 
And not be disturbed 
By life's morbid pain 
Put me to sleep 
Or in a coma 
Only to wake from
Deaths dark aroma 
Or let me awake
To angels so pure
That give me the secret
To insomnias cure 
I'm so tired 
But I'm still wide awake
I hold out my soul 
I'm begging you to take
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