Are You...?


I can't do this anymore

Every time you come by you leave me sore

My heart aches, my eyes burn

Love is a felling you obviously can't return

I tried so many times to make you smile

And for once I want to do something for my self for a while

But lately everything I seem to do makes you mad

You ignore and judge which makes me sad

I thought I meant more to you than this

When I want us to talk it's like a hit and miss

Why do I have to change myself for you

When it's not something I want to do 

I am who I am, a free spirit

I'm outgoing and fun I don't care if you don't want to hear it

But I'm living for myself not you

I'm not some person you can just screw

We went out together for our one year

Are the rest going to leave me end up in tears?