My Dad Trophy shelf.


As I was about to born
my parents bought a bigger new house. All the empty spaces a new house has at the beggining bothered my dad, especially the big garage. That big garage had a big white wall. Dad built a big three-shelf closet where he put all his thropies. That space turned part of my childhood. Football trophies, marathons, my science fair consolation prize, my dog´s awards, coupons i won, everything that congratulated a person or a thing was there. These shelves were special. No matter what place you get in the race or if you didn´t broke your personal record there it was. Every two weeks my dad would clean the shelves, take everything out and organize his Marathons medals by time, or sometimes by date, polish his thropies and laminated the scores and the team members. Pictures sometimes where they’re too. Pictures of his football time loosing for fourth consecutive time the final match, or pictures of my sister and I putting on all the medals just for fun with faces of winners. My mom didn´t like the trophy shelf. She thought it was unnecessary and dirty, sometimes she tried to remove medals but my dad would turn angry. Many discussions were for that shelf, i mean, she really hated the thing. Know that i think about it my mom did like it at least a little. When my father was passing rough times with his health he had the ‘amazing‘ idea of running a marathon and as a result his time and effort were pretty bad.  My dad was pretty bummed and depressed, he didnt want to remember that race never again. The next day the medal was framed and put in the middle of his trophy shelf. My mom did it. I think that shelf showed us that there are not good or bad accomplishments; if you made an effort it was worth it. Or maybe my dad really liked to show off his accomplishments to visits, i don´t know. This vacation i expect to see that old shelf in the garage because it reminds me of everything my family has accomplished. Now that my sister and I don’t live in the house anymore it will be fun to see the memories of our childhood in just one simple shelf my dad built years ago just to fill a simple white boring Wall.

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