my dad trycicle

My father’s tricycle


We were kids and we were young, actually we were around five 5 years old. My brother, my two cousins and I, used to hang out at my grandparent’s house. There was always delicious food and things to laugh at, but what we really loved, was my dad’s tricycle.

A birthday present he received many years ago, I am sure he had so much fun. At the beginning, he used to told, it was shiny blue, but nowadays, it seems like it was in World War two. Covered with oxide and grinding every time it moves, its best days are now gone but the memories will not.

My dad lived in a small town, where milking cows was the much fun you could find. Until his grandparents came with this big present box. He was so excited, as any kid could be. When he saw it, he says, it was like watching right to the sun. Bright as a star and hard as steel.

Since then, things began to change. Going down the road with nothing but your legs as brakes. Being in drag races against donkeys or the truck of the guy who used to delivered milk. Also some scares that made his grandmother really mad.

But those days are gone.

A normal Sunday of 1999, we were playing at my grandparent’s yard. We were playing hide-and-seek, until my brother found it. It was covered with three different layers. The first one was of dust, because of the years it was keep trapped in that dark dungeon. The second one was of oxide, a result of its age. The last one, and the hardest to see, was a sort of blue paint.

That tricycle got us in many trouble, especially for breaking things and damaging my grandmother flowers.

Those days were the best, and especially that day my dad rode the tricycle, definitely a picture that will never be erase from my mind.

Now my cousins, my brother and I have grown up, but the memories we have recollected around the years are invaluable. My dad’s tricycle, something really simple, but mark a special part of his and our life. I am just hoping the tricycle has enough strength for a next generation of fun.  

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