My grandparent´s house

My grandparents’ house is not a normal house, it is way too big for someone their age and has a huge backyard, but what does that has to do with having a normal house. What is not normal is it has a hardware store in the main entrance. The hardware store is called “Ferreteria Santa Rosa”, and is more than well known in the town because of its’ schedule. It is almost always open, doesn´t matter if it is raining, if it´s too cold or too warm. All the clients coming in and out several times a day because “the tool he/she bought was not for the right job”, “because the screw was too small or too big”, and many other endless reasons. My grandparent´s are always eager to work, and always finish in good terms with the clients, no matter what reason. If the client needs a loan of a load of cement, or whatever other item they need, but they have no money, my grandparent´s tell the client that there is no problem, that he can pay it some time later. There are two pets in my grandparent´s house. A cat and a dog, named “Micho” and “Colado” respectively. Micho is a black cat with emerald green eyes, and Colado is a German Shepard with an amazing powerful bark. All day long Micho is resting in the hardware store shelves, while Colado is lying on the cold floor barking at God knows what. This doesn´t seem to please my grandmother because she is always yelling at both of them to go away somewhere else. The hardware store has all kind of items you could need, from bicycle parts to screw drivers to paint pots for all the people in the town. Both my grandfather and my grandmother are old, but never have I seen them get mad at all the work they have. No, in fact it´s the other way around, they are happy that there is work that brings good money to the family. What I´ve learnt from my grandparent´s is that you should always be willing to work, you should be hard working, be grateful you are able to work and treat people with respect and always end in good terms with them, because you never know when you might lose your job or a person you love, because when you are gone, you are gone for good.

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