I heard that I supposedly cheated on you not the other way around.

That I broke up with you.

You said we've been over for awhile.

Yet you couldnt tell me until ten months after the fact.

Its okay.


I am a strong, mature woman who is bruised but not broken and will find love again.

I just wish that through all the emails you couldve shared your truth.

I wouldnt have wasted time waiting for you.

Believing in you, holding on for no reason.

Its okay.


I will live my life like its golden.

I have been given an opportunity to feel again, breathe again, love again.

She promises not to hurt me or my daughter like you did.

She is older and mature.

Its okay.


I am taking it slow because I dont want to get hurt again.

Definately dont want my daughter to be hurt again.

Theres still part of me that loves you, because you reminded me why I love women.

However you also killed over the part of me to ever trust a younger woman again.

Its okay.


You had me.

Heart and soul. Mind and Body.

I even planned to move for you.

Now Im staying put until I know love is real again.

Its okay.


Faithy is going to the best school in town this fall and for the next few years.

I now know where and how to contact her father just not taking advantage of it.

Im in process of getting your stuff washed and dried to mail to you, so its not in the house.

I finally broke the news to my daughter that youre not part of our life anymore.

Shes okay, just looking forward to visiting my new person who cares about us.

Its okay.


I wont tell you Im in love right now because you know me I dont say those words unless I mean them.

However I have acquired strong feelings for this person and they get stronger everyday.

I can tell you I could see myself becoming her wife someday.

Raising Faithy with her grandchildren, growing old together.

Its okay.


I want you to know I wish you nothing but the best.

You can say whatever you want.

I never cheated.

I never abused you.

I just couldnt give you what you wanted.

I see that now.

Its okay.


I live to fight another day.

My meekness is not my weakness.

I am stronger than you think.

Its okay.




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