Took her away
red and white lights flashing
a speedy ride to making
her heart beat again
nothing was making sense
told me to step back
and my legs didnt work
and my brain gave out
and so did my knees
I woke up and she was gone
but they said they had her
in surgery with gloved men
they went to school for this
I went to school for this
and this is how it goes
teachers look away
as the kid stabs her
saying no to a prom date
shouldn't be signing your
own death wish
yet here we are one less.
They say the knife was on him
that he planned for this senario
isn't that funny
all the newspapers cry about his lost career
what about a dead girl
the girl who died at his hands
because he couldn't take a no
didn't understand why she wouldn't go
a boyfriend!
He yelled like it was her fault
that he had asked her
even though she was in a relationship
so the knife stabbed
and she died
and the dead girl is mourned
but he is idolized
what a smart boy
what a life he would have had
too bad she said no
doesn't know what she is missing.
Missing? Missing!
Missing a life is what it is
men on a rampage
and we accept it as inevitable.
Nothing makes sense as they say
that they lost her
I lost her
and I couldn't say goodbye.