happy b'day......for a special friend

                instead of counting candles

                            Or tallying

                                        The years


                         Your                       Blessings

                                as your birthday nears

                Consider Special people

                  Who Love and care

                                              And others

                          Who Enriched

                                     Your Life

                        By just being there


                   those Memories

         passing years        never can mar,

                   Rich experiences

               Great               and              small

                 that have made You

                      Who You are!

                       Another sweet year

                     Is God’s great gift to you dear,

         So relax and cut your blessed cake!

                         Wishing you a

                                              blessed Birthday



               A birthday is just like a blessing......

                             You can never get enough of Both

                                        {realise it, live it}

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Now this is my youngest one and many qualities.
this was born for a cause....n I believe it will achieve it(for ma fingers crossed n i am literally hugging a loog of wood for luck).
This is a b'day poem i wrote or kinda gathered in just 3 hrs(gosh!!! that is quick) and was edited by ma sweet dee here in California, an ex-journalist from "The Hindu". temme wat u feel of it......it is very young and till in developmental years...but I want best grooming for it.

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