Tell me Why God


Tell me why God.

Why do Guys and Girls act like we are all just toys to play with and then forget about us?

See I wish people would just get a relationship and try and keep it.

Why God tell me please.

I just wish we would judge by what is on the inside rather then what is on the outside.

Why can’t we just all be really nice people who care about

everyone and every thing that we want to?

Tell me God please it annoys me that we all just can’t be like that.

Why God why did you make some of us very destructive people and then some of us loveable people.

Tell me why

You made some of us to hurt others feelings and

then some others to help mend those feelings that the other ones broke.

Tell me please.

Tell me why God why can’t we all just treat each other like brothers and sisters.

Why must we constantly kill others, hurt others, or demoralize others.

Why must we feel like committing suicide?

I mean didn’t you give us life for us to live for us

and to our fullest tell me why do u drive us to do all these bad things.

I mean if we have loved ones who care for us

why do we do this stuff is it because we want to be with you

or do we do it to relieve pain by doing it.

But if we are relieving our pains

aren’t we just giving other people our pains because we killed our self.

Tell Me Why God Please.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Hatred toward other about discrimination to others

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