When I got the teddy bear
The sight made me cry
It was a best friend
With only one eye;
Some stitches were missing
Seams falling apart
I knew it would be hurting
If it had a heart.
It looked so alone
With its stuffing all worn
Its coat was a mess
So tattered, so torn;
This poor little guy
Was now my friend
So I went to work
For days on end.
I gave him a new smile
I fixed his broken hems
And now his new eyes
Shined like tiny gems.
I knitted him a shirt
Various colors to show
Inside was a bear
That was fit to glow.
I cleaned up his fur
The very best I could
I gave him a hug
He'd thank me if he could.
Once so broken,
Falling apart without love
Is still not perfect
But the best I could dream of.
Everything once broken
Can be fixed if you care,
Anything shattered
Can also be repaired.