The Pain

The pain always hits you when you are already down
Beating out the endless life, tossing you to the ground
Thoughts overcome the fears you have grown to despise
Wishing you could see yourself through someone else's eyes

Wanting to mend the scars of your broken past
Praying for the love that will somehow come to last
Just trying to hold on, trying to find a reason to love again
Then leaving yourself to lay for life's bittersweet end

They tell you that you are not alone, everyone has pain
But not everyone can stop themselves from going insane
Memories. They always seem to stay
Just to turn your world to gray

But the pain will fade, the feeling will subside
No longer leaving your soul to run and hide
You will be able to smile soon enough
Even though your life will always be rough

The Pain
by Rachael D. Frye
@ 11:22 am

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