Let Me Decide

I look for signs to make me decide

I have so much pain left to hide

Destined to be, I continue on

The world I knew is long gone.

Without me, it wouldn't be the same

I am here, left with all of your blame.

You hurt me, still I think you're great

You apologized, but it's a little too late

I am on my way, wondering why

When I leave, I refuse to cry.

Mistakes echo, but never again

I can go on without you, My best friend.

I can find another but feelings can't replace

I will always remember the look of love in your face

I mean it when I say you'll be in my heart

I wish we didn't have to be apart

Maybe we can get together later

Hook up and maybe be greater

I can still feel your love with me

Let's just let fate let whatever be.

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