What am I supposed to do?
You act like you just don't care.
I have always thought of you
As the person who is always there.
Did I do something wrong?
Dad, pleace let me know.
Will this last for too long?
Tell me before I go.
I can't get my mind clear.
My thoughts echo of suffer.
I can tell a fight is near,
It's something I can't cover.
Do you not care for me like you did?
Did I do something to you?
Why do you treat me like I am shit?
Dad, What must I do?
I've always wanted to be the best;
Now, for you, I can't even try.
I've passed every one of life's tests.
I feel like you want me to die.
It's like I can't even talk to you anymore
The bond has now been broken
A teardrop falls to the wooden floor
"Good-Bye" is the last word spoken;
Then I turn and walk out the door.