Thirteen Roses: {With This Ring}

One rose is for beatuy

  That's what I am to him

  He's what made me mend.

Two roses is for love

  Which is all I have inside

  The pain I am forced to hide.

Three roses is for patience

  We all have to wait for something

  Suprise me of what wait will bring.

Four roses came from the heart

  There we will stay together

  For lifetime.  For ever.

Five roses is for the wealth

  Love means everything to me

  I don't care what it takes to be.

Six roses are a bundle

  That's why I want you to give me six more

  To show you, I love you so much more.

Seven roses is an uneven number

  Oddball, but still highly important

  Always say you can, not can't.

Eight roses is rare

  Almost like the love we found

  Don't toss them on the ground.

Nine roses is almost ten

  Not enough to show every reason

  Why I love you more than any man.

Ten roses are almost there

  To show why deep inside I really care

  To make sure you know I'll be there.

Eleven roses

  Given to you from my heart

  I Love You.  Let's never be apart.

Twelve roses is for every reason I love you

  I can't put into words what I feel

  All I know is that it's for real.

Thirteen roses are because twelve isn't enough

  To show all of your beauty. Lets make it a life time

  With this ring, I promise to forever make you mine.

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