The Garden of Humanity

A Rose stood in a garden,
Surrounded by similar plants.
A new patch of Roses was starting,
To grow up from the fresh grass.

The Rose glanced to its left,
To see his fellow Roses, overshdowed by a mighty oak.
These poor Roses, forced to fight over what sunlight left,
They would fight to the death for the soil beneeth their feet.

To his right a loan Thistle,
Forced to grow from a crack in the concrete.
Because this plant was ugly, and hostile
The Thistle was alone and acepted defeat.

Infront of him the Rose He saw,
A Dandelion flying free.
A sight he'd never seen before,
This Dandelion flew majestically.
It wasen't fighting or at war,
The Dandelion flew past the Apple Tree.
And away it went, it flew so far.

The Rose He knew with Certainty
That He should live as Peacefully
As the Dandelion flew so Easily
Without fighting with its Enemies.

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