Frozen Heart

Who knew a heart could break so willingly?

With a clash of metal connecting to the stone cold heart

A pure form of art

The pain, oh the pain

Brought upon itself

A gasp of air, a short breath

Lay that dear heart to rest

All passion is gone

Due to an unfaithful lover

Eyes that brought warmth now see ice cold orbs

Taking all memories back to that fateful night

Through the threshold those legs walked only to discover

Her lover surely had another

There they lay in her bed

In the heat of the moment as she quickly said,

“How could you?”

The two years of adoration had been wiped out in second

Now that does not seem fair

Turning away, needing to run

It’s too late for this devastated soul

Collapsing through the doorway, no sound echoes through lost ears

No salty tears, no livid words

Only frozen in the moment that treacherously stabbed her heart

Reliving each moment when the entire world froze to watch her plunge

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