Room 110

Feed me not...

as my eyes glance across the black lines


Seem to interrupt my path...

so i...

Grab hold of fragile bars...

Angles tilt back in grace...

Hide my fingers in yours...cotton based/

Taste buds bitter from your cologne...

My moth trickled your skin bold..


So im..

Appologetic for what i wasnt told...

YOu and yours caught in between my bladder..

Deep breaths...


Exhale after...

Trembles in my core...

Humidity opens all my pores..

And i lie there...


and lie..

With dirty nails...

Frame filled the previous...well told..

Noises above my raised eyebrows creases my features...

(Shakes head)


within my soul ...

Your arm is a blanket for my nudity..

Sunrise and my blanket is wool...


Closing the door behind room one one zero..

She left..

"Her life"...

Along time ago...

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Room 110 was the last time we connected...

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