
I like to think of them as two different people.
He became someone I didn't know as soon as he did that.
There was the boy I had fun with.
Battles in the street.
Toys moving like bricks.
A dog and the slight buzzing of the bees as we were Bonnie and Clyde.
But we weren't in LOVE.
We loved each other... But it was different.
At least, that's how I saw it.
When he did that, everything blurred together in my mind and I was frozen.
I couldn't get up no matter how hard I tried.
My lungs held everything in, not wanting to alert to him that I was awake.
I couldn't scream.
That's when he became this... person.
I say his name with distaste now. Like it's poison.

That's the moment when I became someone else too, I guess.
My only job now is to Protect.
My sisters can't become shells like I have.
They will not suffer this fate.
And I will NOT be hurt again.

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