Divided Nation

Song Lyrics

Verse 1
Divided United Nation
Hatred motivated
While claiming to be
Nothing but open minded
As our blindness
Once again
Makes us fall
Into the cold darkness
From our sorted past
We never ever seem
To even truly try
To learn from
A cold blank nothing
Is what we have become


Society in crisis
Falling victim
To the very hatred
It likes to deny exists
Closed minded
And willfully blind
We repeat the same madness
Time after time

Verse 2
United in theory only

Division among everybody
And violently

Is our true reality

Hatred nation
Told to fake it
Until we are it

When it comes
To the greatest
Anyone can be
The denial
Forever sickening

We never were

And at this rate

Never will be

But no one tell them that
We may have to pay even more for it


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