It Really Isn't Hard To Make Someones Day

All it takes
Is one friend
To turn
A bad day
Into a good one
And one random
Act of kindness

To turn
An attitude
Of anger
And despair
Right around
One smile
In a land
Of frowns
To turn yours
Upside down

One simple gesture
To make someone
Feel better
One simple act

Of being there
To make your
Friend feel
They are worth it
And one smile
To turn
An entire
Day around
It is that simple

To at least
Make some difference
To someone

So why is it
A concept
That so many fight
Why is it
A thought
That is just
Far too
For some reason

To grasp
Why can't we
As a society
Finally see
That even
The smallest things

Can have a great
And positive

On so many
Why can't we see
That sometimes
That is all
It really takes

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