A Message To My Past


Maybe, just maybe
I wasn't
Meant to be
What you
Of me
Or what
You tried
To Tell me
To be

Maybe, just maybe

When the downfall started
I really was
Just an eight
Year old girl

To make
New friends
In a new school
New town
And maybe, just maybe
I really wasn't
For the shit storm
That was instore
Bullies and bad luck
It seemed
It wouldn't stop
Not to mention
This little hiccup
A undiagnosed
Learning disabilty
That would
Come to
Haunt me
For years daily
And maybe, just maybe

After years of fighting

I just started

Giving up
Because I thought
It was the only
Option left
Besides panic attacks
Had already
Given me
The perfect excuse
To cut school
And be alone
They made me
Feel ill so I was
Not proud of it
Hell not proud of
Any of it
But maybe, just maybe

It was the only option
I could see
And maybe
Just maybe
Now at thirty
Stuck in
This town again
I am now
Just so sick
Of all of it
That it is time

I did fight back
This time I am me

And maybe
Just maybe
Me is something
This time

I won't
Let be
From me


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