The world needs rebels
Those who are willing
To give all they got
To fight for those
Who have not got
What they need to survive
And who will fight
For true human rights
The right to be
Who you want to be
The right to love
Who you want to love
Despite who and how
Many people think its wrong
Especially when
The only reason
Anyone thinks its wrong
Is because groups
Of blind sheep
Tell them it should be
But society
Should not function
On the whims
And beliefs
Of sheep
But rather
Based on what
Is right for everyone
Despite certain beliefs
We do not all believe
In the same things
And we are not supposed to
But rather than try
To limit the rights
Of others because of
What we are told to believe
Maybe just maybe
It would be a better idea
To learn from others instead
But hey thats just my opinion