The King Of A Country Divided

Song Lyrics

Verse 1
System crashing
The people suffering

The King sits on
His throne laughing

At the chaos he has created
As each other we are fighting
In a so called United country
That only knows 
A reality
That is divided
By hate and madness

Given to us 

Through the lies 
Of the King 
On his way
To winning his kingdom


Divide by hate 

Control through fear
Rinse repeat
Welcome to how we got here
As we all fall to insanity
With no humanity left to spare

Verse 2

Denial and kool aid

The never ending
Plans for the day

Half the country 

Falling for lies
That insult the mind

As the other half
Suffers for the ignorance
Allowing the madness 
They are now stuck with
We are all in hell
And blaming each other for it
While the mastermind

Happily pulls 
The puppet strings
As for him

We have made it
All just too damn easy


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