Enjoy Your Madness

Song Lyrics

Verse 1
Born different

And fucking grateful for it
Surrounded by madness
Victim of 
But never a participant
Trapped in a world of sin

Refusing to give in
Rose above the hate
Because that shit
Never made anybody great
While not breaking
Like they wish I would
I will raise my voice
And make sure they know
Where I have always stood

Fuck your insanity
It's not for me
You can have your darkness
And wallow in it
While I continue
To rise above your madness

Verse 2
Me against you

So sick of being screwed
Never again will

I let myself be used
By those who have never 
Actually cared
And are nothing but a tool
Society of zombies
Too self absorbed
To notice
The elite they worship
Are using them too
Right in front of their faces
As they refuse to fucking see it
You claim to be free
While I actually
Let myself be it
So enjoy your madness
As I continue
To rise above it


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