Toxic Positivity

Song Lyrics

Verse 1
Toxic positivity
Fueling a narcissistic society
Being told they are better
Than others
By those who would kill
To be them
Finding meaning in likes
And followers
Both of which
Are nothing but
Meaningless bullshit
Coveted by the superficial
All looks and nothing else
Selling themselves as
God's gift to everyone
If only we would fucking see
They need us more than

We need them

Popularity contests
Online drama
What a mess
Society glued to their phones
Using selfies and likes
As currency
Thinking followers mean they
Mean more
Than you and me
Somebody please
Get me out of this
Superficial nightmare

Verse 2
Insanity controlling
Humanity lacking
So spoiled and broken
The truth of their stupidity
Spoken but never heard
By those who think
Just because they are
Who they are
Means they know better
Gaining followers
By following others

To the fucking letter
It's a monkey see monkey do
Follower train
And I fucking want off
This madness
Daily growing
Dear God just make it stop


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