Freak Show Society

Song Lyrics

Verse 1
Welcome to the freak show
Oh you thought you were normal
Sorry hon but no such thing
We are all weird
Messed up and stressed

Just trying to 
Do our best
In a world
So obsessed with perfect
We have all forgotten 
That perfect is nothing more
Than perspective

And objective

The eye of the beholder
And all that
Welcome folks
To just one of the many reasons
We have all gone mad

Welcome to madness
The full on freak show
Society has become

The fake claiming to be original
So fucking hollow
And trying to get us all to follow
Bitch please
Spare me

I'll just be me 

Verse 2

And insolent
Never learning
From a damn bit of it
While wondering why
Nothing for the better
Ever changes
Selfish is all the rage
It's our way
Or no way
Not a care in the world
For what others have to say
Then have a fit
When someone 
Doesn't go along with it

Because how dare they
Welcome to the deranged game
We all play


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