I Will Not Bow

Song Lyrics

Verse 1
May get you hated

But also loved
By those thirsty
And dying for a connection
With someone
Hell anyone
Who is like them
Sick of being
Left behind

By those 
Who conform

And live blind
Who always seem to 
Remember you 
When in a bind
I wasn't family of yours
You are not family of mine

Went through shit
You didn't believe it
Said I deserved it
While still trying
To make me believe 
I was part of your shit
You are the idiot
I fucking tried
Too late now bitch

Verse 2
And fearful

I ran

But you couldn't have it
Had to keep the facade up
Couldn't let others know
You fucked up
But hey I get it
Thanks to you

I was brought up
Learning this shit
Whatever I have to say
You don't want to hear it

My feelings mean nothing
Next to your need
To be the best there ever was
I refuse to be sorry
For not calling you god



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