Truth About Both Sides

Song Lyrics

Verse 1

In a world so bloody
Full of the manipulated
So fucking dirty
It screams
Driven by greed

Planting its seed
Of destruction

Right in front of our eyes
While training us
To be so fucking blind
We see nothing at all
As we wonder 
Why all we do is fall

Blinded by the kool aid
Government issued
On both sides
So much so it blows my mind
Forced to take sides

We are told we understand
Two sides of the same coin
Either way
It is all still going 
According to plan

Verse 2
Divided by hatred
Always by design
Easiest way
To get what they want right
Hatred and violence
They can campaign on
Time and time again
And always get away with it
Because we never learn 
From any of this shit
Smear campaigns 
On both sides
Winning elections
More than the actual issues

Let the madness once again commence


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