Zombies Of The Elite

Song Lyrics

Verse 1
Zombies of a system

That sees us all
As dollar signs
While they keep us all blind
We all see the signs
Yet pay them no mind
The iv's of kool aid
Hooked up to
All day everyday
As we waste away
Biding our time
Doing as we are told

Like the good 
Soulless drones we have become

In the silence always screaming

For hope of any kind
Oh so welcome
As we sleep rise repeat
Dying daily 
Just to be seen

Always drowning
Chaos surrounding
Comfort never finding
We scream 
As we live so blindly
We somehow honestly
Have no clue about the truth
Right in front 
Of our eyes
Crying to be seen

Verse 2
Entitled and spoiled
Running the planet
With an iron fist
But no intelligence
To speak of
Never mind a moral compass
Morality? What's that?
Controlling us 
The elite do hunt

For victims
Of a fried society 
Just for fun
As they bathe
In our fallens' blood




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