The Virus And The Cure

Song Lyrics

Verse 1
Both the virus
And the cure
Welcome to mankind

The plague
Of Mother Earth

Society living scared
Un prepared 

For the consequences
Of the madness 

They have brought here

Hatred and violence
Running rampant everywhere
We could do something
But the truth we refuse
To even fucking see
On the daily
As we hate and destroy
Under the delusion of being free


Claiming pipe dreams

Through insanity

At the expense of you and me
We are the virus 
They created 
Forever infecting society

Verse 2
A problem for 

Every solution
We live in a world

Of never ending excuses
Used to confuse us
Manipulative and destructive

Keep us under
Constant control

So they can reach their goal
Power that's global
That they don't deserve 
And more money than

Anybody could possibly
Ever truly need
Entitled and unhinged
They laugh as our end
They do begin



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